In [71]:
%pylab inline

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Seaborn requires matplotlib package to be installed
# If it is not available, use:
# pip install matplotlib
# If you are using Anaconda distribution, then
# conda install matplotlib
import seaborn as sb
import json
import datetime

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [72]:
# Read and inspect the data file
df = pd.read_csv("product_test_data.csv")
print df.head(10)
print df.columns
print df.dtypes

   Row_ID  User_ID   Product  \
0       1       32  Product1   
1       2       32  Product2   
2       3       32  Product3   
3       4       32  Product4   
4       5       32  Product5   
5       6       49  Product1   
6       7       49  Product2   
7       8       49  Product3   
8       9       49  Product4   
9      10       49  Product5   

                                              Amount  Entry_Date  
0  [149, 830, 441, 863, 850, 804, 232, 891, 321, ...  2015-12-29  
1  [15, 259, 264, 365, 972, 254, 78, 767, 553, 85...  2015-12-29  
2  [898, 475, 346, 235, 227, 230, 316, 418, 723, ...  2015-12-29  
3  [384, 847, 692, 796, 350, 1, 499, 858, 333, 94...  2015-12-29  
4  [347, 665, 964, 188, 399, 380, 621, 477, 74, 1...  2015-12-29  
5  [543, 185, 743, 955, 214, 896, 387, 257, 640, ...  2015-12-29  
6  [479, 599, 95, 869, 54, 823, 359, 245, 67, 831...  2015-12-29  
7  [711, 906, 928, 77, 668, 818, 8, 983, 161, 289...  2015-12-29  
8  [866, 754, 777, 834, 578, 323, 285, 437, 277, ...  2015-12-29  
9  [190, 703, 406, 396, 791, 682, 454, 728, 208, ...  2015-12-29  
Index([u'Row_ID', u'User_ID', u'Product', u'Amount', u'Entry_Date'], dtype='object')
Row_ID         int64
User_ID        int64
Product       object
Amount        object
Entry_Date    object
dtype: object

Data Transformations

In [73]:
# Convert the string which has a list of values to an actual python list
df["Amount"] = df["Amount"].apply(json.loads)

# Create a new column which has the sum of production application
df["Total_Amount"] = df["Amount"].apply(sum)

# Create a new column for the number of entries
df["No_of_entries"] = df["Amount"].apply(len)

# Remove unused columns
df.drop(["Amount"], axis=1, inplace=True)

# Check if the transformations have been successful
print df.head(10)
print df.columns

   Row_ID  User_ID   Product  Entry_Date  Total_Amount  No_of_entries
0       1       32  Product1  2015-12-29        301651            599
1       2       32  Product2  2015-12-29        472310            951
2       3       32  Product3  2015-12-29         29540             59
3       4       32  Product4  2015-12-29        294157            574
4       5       32  Product5  2015-12-29        507424            990
5       6       49  Product1  2015-12-29        440261            858
6       7       49  Product2  2015-12-29        259892            513
7       8       49  Product3  2015-12-29          8527             16
8       9       49  Product4  2015-12-29        202962            412
9      10       49  Product5  2015-12-29        289457            554
Index([u'Row_ID', u'User_ID', u'Product', u'Entry_Date', u'Total_Amount',

1) List the top 10 customers who had the maximum usage of all products

In [74]:
# Perform a Group-By operation on "User_ID" and sum up the "Total_Amount" field
top10_users_products = df.groupby(['User_ID'], as_index=False)['Total_Amount'].sum()

# Sort in descending order based on "Total_Amount" field
top10_users_products.sort_values("Total_Amount", ascending=False, inplace=True)

# By default, pandas retains the index values as in the original dataframe.
# Reset the index to start from beginning

# Show only the top 10 records
print top10_users_products.head(10)

   index  User_ID  Total_Amount
0     12       12      71658457
1     14       14      65294006
2     49       49      63823203
3     29       29      62586179
4     36       36      61682301
5     41       41      61397703
6     30       30      61292633
7     16       16      61094152
8      5        5      60841238
9     11       11      60616799

2) List the top 3 users who has the most number of data entries for "Product1"

In [75]:
# Filter rows for "Product1"
top3_product1 = df[df["Product"] == "Product1"]

# Extract the columns - "User_ID" and "No_of_entries"
top3_product1 = top3_product1[["User_ID", "No_of_entries"]]

# Sort on "No_of_entries" column in descending order
top3_product1.sort_values("No_of_entries", ascending=False, inplace=True)

# Display top 3 rows
print top3_product1.head(3)

       User_ID  No_of_entries
10185       43           1000
9855         5            998
3095        14            998

3) Which product has the maximum usage across all customers?

In [76]:
product_max_usage = df.groupby(["Product"], as_index=False)["Total_Amount"].sum()
print product_max_usage.max(column="Total_Amount")

Product            Product5
Total_Amount    5.58105e+08
dtype: object

4) Find the weekly usage of each product across all users

In [77]:
# Survey duration is given as 90 days

# Take the current time
today_date =

# Calculate the start date as 90 days prior
start_date = today_date - datetime.timedelta(days=SURVEY_DURATION)

# Convert the date that is a string to YY-MM-DD format and
# find the number of days elapsed from the start date
df["Days"] = (df["Entry_Date"].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d")) - start_date) / np.timedelta64(1, "D")

# Round off the day values to a whole number
df["Days"] = df["Days"].round(0)

# Calculate the week by dividing the number of days by 7.
# Add 1 to start the week count from 1 instead of 0
df["Week"] = ((df["Days"] / 7) + 1).round()

# Remove the "Days" column
df.drop(["Days"], axis=1, inplace=True)

# Group by "Product" and "Week" fields followed by summation over "Total_Amount" field
weekly_usage_all_products = df.groupby(["Product", "Week"], as_index=False)["Total_Amount"].sum()

# Sort by "Week" and then "Product"
weekly_usage_all_products.sort_values(["Week", "Product"], inplace=True)

print weekly_usage_all_products

     Product  Week  Total_Amount
0   Product1     1      28317175
14  Product2     1      31352269
28  Product3     1      25861477
42  Product4     1      29108386
56  Product5     1      30708937
1   Product1     2      35294506
15  Product2     2      34503744
29  Product3     2      35996603
43  Product4     2      39420560
57  Product5     2      38736725
2   Product1     3      44675352
16  Product2     3      42741370
30  Product3     3      44776651
44  Product4     3      40735130
58  Product5     3      41976218
3   Product1     4      27321105
17  Product2     4      24911192
31  Product3     4      27531769
45  Product4     4      26312989
59  Product5     4      24572855
4   Product1     5      41320269
18  Product2     5      42365552
32  Product3     5      44853512
46  Product4     5      42839699
60  Product5     5      42637323
5   Product1     6      48098657
19  Product2     6      42317855
33  Product3     6      44735495
47  Product4     6      45644232
61  Product5     6      43334767
..       ...   ...           ...
8   Product1     9      45389292
22  Product2     9      50427627
36  Product3     9      50747032
50  Product4     9      50478423
64  Product5     9      47246878
9   Product1    10      41223646
23  Product2    10      40077062
37  Product3    10      43361125
51  Product4    10      41398103
65  Product5    10      40549232
10  Product1    11      31583056
24  Product2    11      32625095
38  Product3    11      32628838
52  Product4    11      31387592
66  Product5    11      36858528
11  Product1    12      34138951
25  Product2    12      35059649
39  Product3    12      32590244
53  Product4    12      31595925
67  Product5    12      30915374
12  Product1    13      58906712
26  Product2    13      53652729
40  Product3    13      59766895
54  Product4    13      55971195
68  Product5    13      54307877
13  Product1    14       6709871
27  Product2    14       6486804
41  Product3    14       5887876
55  Product4    14       7595824
69  Product5    14       7770799

[70 rows x 3 columns]

In [78]:
# Plotting the above data using seaborn package
print sb.factorplot(
    x="Week", y="Total_Amount",

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid object at 0x000000000A843780>

In [ ]: